Thursday, March 16, 2006

Snow in Scotland (Archive from March 12, 2006)

I just got back from Scotland this morning. Well, I left my hotel this morning. I didn't arrive at Newark (possibly the world's least friendly airport) until this evening. I've been awake since the equivalent of midnight eastern standard time and I can't seem to fall asleep. It was snowing in Scotland. This was the cause of the delay. According to the gate agent at Edinburgh Airport, it hasn't snowed like that in Scotland since she was a "wee girl."
My press trip went well. We had a really awesome group. I made some new friends, I hope. I also saw many, many, many cute boys. Edinburgh is my new favorite city but Paris and London were awesome as well... as always. We also stayed in this tiny little town in England called Lincoln where they filmed most of the Da Vinci Code. We stayed in a haunted hotel. I woke up at one point while we were sleeping there to a loud banging. I'm pretty sure there was a ghost trapped in my closet but I figured since it couldn't figure out how to get out of the closet, I had nothing to fear so I went back to sleep.
I leave for Boston tomorrow. If anyone up in that area wants to get a beer with me tomorrow night, that would be rocking. My boss is traveling with me but she is forever and perpetually coughing. She's had the same cold for weeks.

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