Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Time zones (Archive from March 16, 2006)

My friend Katie said to me on the phone the other night, "You're traveling like a crazy person." At that moment I was curled up in bed in a hotel in Boston, recovering from the jet lag of having just arrived from Scotland the night before. "At least I'm staying in the same time zone this week, so it's not so bad" I replied. "Yeah, Louise, it does not bode well when you respond that you are staying in the same time zone," she said. "Perhaps you should take a break." And after next week, I will.

Next week I am on the West Coast where life is sunshiney and bright... except, of course, until I arrive at which point it will proabably rain. Did I mention that it never snows in Edinburgh but it did while I was there? A lot? I cannot be trusted with weather.

I just got back from DC tonight. I should just move there. I feel like I am always there anyway. In between Boston and DC I was in Philly, where I found a bar actually called "The Irish Bar". It is also where I had the ill-advised notion that I could handle doing shots of Jack Daniels alone. Note to self: this is not something that I can handle.

So I am here for the weekend. If anyone has forgotten what I look like and would like a refresher course in Louise... well, tough. My weekend is jam packed and I don't have time for you. But maybe next week.

Someone I barely know offered me use of a beach condo in St. Croix in April. Perhaps travel is not going to be a faint memory for me anytime soon.

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