Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Apathetic nation

The Pew Research Center recently conducted a survey from a sample of 2,000 Americans to find out what political ideology they subscribe to. You're probably tempted to stop reading now because there were a lot of big words in that sentence but bear with me. Anyway, of the people they polled they asked them economic questions (Do you think the government should be more or less involved in business?) and social questions (Are you for or against the legalization of gay marriage?) The four political ideologies are Liberal, Conservative. Libertarian and Populist. 58% of the group were split into these four groups with Liberals being the largest group. (YAY!) That means that... brace yourself... 42% of the group, the largest portion, were APATHETIC. Meaning they didn't want to answer some of the questions or they didn't care enough to answer some of the questions. Does that not rock your world? Maybe not. Maybe you're one of the 42 percenters and you don't give a fuck about this blog.

If you're like me by the way and you are FOR the legalization of gay marriage and you are here in New York this info is for you.

Saturday, June 3: Wedding March across the Brooklyn Bridge organized by Marriage Equality/NY, meets in Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn at 11 a.m. for a rally prior to proceeding at noon to Battery Park in Manhattan for a picnic and performances.

Hope to see you there!I fyou don't stand up for gay marriage I may never be allowed to marry Katherine Moennig. And that would make me very sad.

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