Saturday, April 29, 2006

Hipsters and frat boys

I keep discovering bands that I like and then hearing their music in random places. I love this band Spoon. Right after I discovered them I heard one of their songs on an Acura commercial and then just now I heard another one on the commercial for a British TV Show that's on cable here. Weird. Anyway, if you haven't heard of them you should because I love them. Spoon and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (who will be at Central Park Summerstage on September 28 -- who wants to go with me?) And I've recently remembered how much I used to love the Violent Femmes so I am all in to them again.

Oh my God, did I tell you guys about the hot exterminator? He was super hot. And he killed the waterbugs. So I might just marry him. I'm not scared of bugs -- I don't know why, I'm missing this particular girl gene -- but I don't want to have to chase them around either. So I think it would be handy to be married to someone who will effectively kill them for me. Don't you agree? And he was so cute! I mentioned that already, right?

Last night ended badly. I'm tired of other people making me feel bad. I don't think people walk through this world trying to make me feel bad but often they do. And they don't seem to care that they do. Because I have a temper I have this new policy that when someone starts with me I will often try to walk away so that I won't do something I regret. But there are lots of people in my life who seemingly WANT me to react. They want a reason to fight with me and when I won't give it to them they react badly. Anyway, any advice on this would be great. If you have it. Please don't force yourself to write something if you don't.

Okay, what else can we talk about... I spend far too much of my life at Tir Na Nog. I blame Karen. They make great fries but I think I made myself sick with all the cider I've been drinking so I'm gonna hold off. Who knew fermented apple juice wasn't good for you? I met some great new people last night, some of whom live in Astoria. YAY! New neighbor friends. Why don't you all just move to Astoriaalready so I have people to do brunch with? It's cool here. And cheaper than Manhattan. And not yet full of hipsters and we all KNOOOOOOOOOW how I feel about those freaking hipsters. Oh, you're a starving artist, huh? But your parents pay for you to live on Ludlow Street? Yeah, that's integrity right there.

My friend Leah is celebrating her birthday tonight at Arriba Arriba followed by beer and retardedness on the Upper East Side. What do I hate more than hipsters? Former frat boys who live in railroad rooms on the Upper East Side. I have some experience with this. They suck. I once had the poor judgement to date a guy who lived up there -- another "Daddy, can you send me a check" kind of guy who snorted most of his paycheck up his nose -- and he had like no furniture but he did have a Pop-a-Shot. Wedged in the corner. Of his tiny apartment. On East 91st Street. I don't know if you can picture this but it's retarded. He also never had any food and I don't think he owned dishes but he constantly had a bottle of Grey Goose in the freezer and chilled martini glasses at the ready. Actually, I thought that bit was a little funny.

Anyway, I always have fun with Leah so tonight should be fun. Because you can have a good time ANYWHERE if you are with your friends, right?

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