Monday, May 01, 2006

Tough talking to hats

So anyone who was sitting anywhere near me at the Yankee game yesterday may have heard me scream "Catch that ball, you son of a bitch or I will come down there and kick you in the testicles." Yes, I did say that. No, I had no intention of actually kicking Johnny Damonin the balls. But I would like to point out that he did catch the ball and the Yankees won. Ah well, my friends Diane and Anthony thought it was pretty funny. It was even funnier when these Toronto fans behind me (yeah, I didn't know they existed either!) started to yell, "We love BJs!" (I assume as in Blue Jays but you know where their dirty minds were headed.) Some little kid behind us started to yell, "BJs suck!" He did not have a dirty mind because he was like 8 years old. It was so sweet... and twisted. He was just trying to be a loyal fan and he inadvertently said something very naughty. All together now... AWWWWWWW!!!

Work today was so quiet but I was really tired anyway and not making much sense. I spent like 15 minutes of this afternoon having a nonsensical conversation with Chris over IM. Something about my hat saying "hello" and then I think I called the hat a slut. I don't really know where that conversation was going.

Was anyone affected by the protests? There was like NO ONE working at Au Bon Pain. They had all the slow cashiers on duty, the ones who can't make change, I think because no one else showed up. I wanted to see the human chain but no one seemed to know where it was. I heard it went all the way to Queens. Is that true? Did any of you take part? Did any of you take off of work? I would have if I had remembered. Or if anyone from my office would have noticed that I was gone.

The other exciting news of the day is that Tara Jarmon is coming to Target. Is anyone else excited but me? Field trip to Target everyone!

I promise to be a little bit more exciting the next time I choose to write something. Actually, scratch that. I don't promise anything of the kind. I don't owe you people anything. You're not the boss of me! I mean, what can you do? Force me to be interesting. You and what army...

I have a feeling that last paragraph was headed in the same direction as the aforementioned slutty hat convo so I am going to end this here.

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