Sunday, May 07, 2006

I made you a cookie but I eated it

I found this little cartoon with a little sad guy with a big head and it says "I made you a cookie but I eated it." For some reason that freaking tickles me like you wouldn't believe. I ran around all day yesterday randomly saying that to people and laughing like a retard. I worry about me sometimes.

I am a terrible friend who did not go out for her friend's birthday party last night. Because I suck. I really really suck. Some of my other friends who live in Harlem were in my 'hood yesterday afternoon which NEVER happens so I went to meet them and figured I had plenty of time to go out with said birthday friend later. Not realizing that beer + no food = drunk Louise. Drunk embarassing Louise. Drunk embarassing grabbing people and saying "I made you a cookie but I eated it" Louise.

Stories like this are occuring far too frequently in my life. So the new rule is (and those of you who drink with me and care about my karma will be asked to enforce this rule) I will have 1 drink followed by 1 water or 1 diet soda. Then if I want a 2nd alcoholic drink I may purchase one. But only after ingesting the non-alcoholic water or soda. Get it? This may lessen the chances of my missing any future birthday parties OR more importantly, showing up to your birthday party and making you wish that I would forget your phone number.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello !

greetings from Belgium !

