Saturday, April 22, 2006

Confessions of a dangerous mind... sort of

Not hungover today even though I went out last night. Still, I stayed in all day. I wanted to go to a poetry reading this afternoon but it had the audacity to rain. The nerve! I just cannot take rain today. Rain on my head. Carrying an umbrella. Ugh. No, no, no -- not today.
I have decided to compile a list of things that I am embarassed about but can't seem to do anything to change.

1) I always have dirty laundry. The hamper is never empty. Never. I have more clothes than a department store, most of which I should just give up on already. I have clothes in like 4 different sizes and I have several pairs of vintage bell bottoms that are never coming back into fashion. In essence I have too much clothes and I don't do laundry often enough.

2) I stack things. Namely mail. There is a mountain of it on my kitchen table. There is also a mountain of books in a corner and a mountain of magazines on my coffee table. And let's not forget the mountain of jackets. I have no hall closet in this apartment so I have been saying for close to 8 months now that I was going to go buy a wardrobe for the living room to put my jackets in. Right now they are just stacked on a chair. I kid you not. This leads me to another confession -- that I procrastinate. But who doesn't do that?

3) I watch the same movies over and over and over. No one should have seen Mean Girls as many times as I have. Let's not even get started on Moonstruck which I finally bought on DVD and am about to watch again. To be followed by Kissing Jessica Stein. And then possibly Season 1 of The L Word. I might switch up the order or throw GoodFellas in there but probably not. It will most likely be the vagina film festival -- all sappy stuff with romance and/or girl-on-girl action. If only I liked porn. But I don't.

4) I am currently not calling someone back. Not because I don't like her. I am just afraid to call her. What should I do, readers? Why am I afraid?

If I think of anything else to confess I will let you know. It's good getting this heavy stuff off of my chest.

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