Monday, October 16, 2006

Selling organs on The Strip

I know that I'm a girl... well, last I checked anyway. But I get an awful lot of enjoyment out of Harold & Kumar go to White Castle. Funny funny funny. Even though I hate White Castle.

I'm broke as a joke. I owe the cell phone company and the cable company and I have NOOOOOOOOOO money. Not a little money. NO MONEY. There isn't even any change in my couch because it's brand spanking new.

So what shall I do for money short of selling organs? Peddle my skanky ass on The Strip? Sell my valuables? Stop eating till my paycheck clears? Any and all suggestions are welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Put $5 in the quarter slots at the MGM...that's the only casino I won at last time I was in Vegas. My sister won $200 there :)