Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Taking things personally

Sorry I haven't written in a while. Apparently I have fans. Fans who complain when I don't write blogs. Granted they all went to college with me but they are still fans. And lately I've disappointed them by not writing much.

Truthfully I haven't written because I have nothing to say. I'm always tired and cranky and, truthfully, quite weepy and sensitive lately. I've been taking a lot of things very personally that really don't warrant that much attention.

Example -- a good friend of mine was here this weekend (which made me soooooooo happy) but she brought this total tool with her -- latent homo who hides this fact by screaming the word "titties" at the top of his lungs in public (long story and just as charming as it sounds) and pretending to have a girlfriend. He proceeded to get drunk and insult me (another long story that is not at all charming) and I let it get to me and it's been pissing me off ever since. I mean I didn't cry or anything but I allowed him to engage me in the stupid, nonsensical rant of insults by insulting him back. Which means I let him get to me. Which means I took it personally. When it wasn't personal at all. He's a miserable, ugly wanna-be fag -- wouldn't you be miserable if that were you? Anyway women like me should not let total tools get to her. I mean I'm not very smart but I'm smarter than some tool. Don't you agree, three fans? But I guess I'm a little mushy and icky lately -- it must be an after-effect of moving 3,000 miles away from the only home I've ever known.

I've also been letting my boss get to me. Which is even stupider. Because everyone knows you should never let work get personal. It doesn't make any sense.

I've also been taking it personally that a guy that I went on an excrutiatingly bad date with hasn't called me. Is that wacked or what?

Anyway, if I think of anything interesting to say I will totally tell you guys. And if one of these days I encounter a total tool and instead of arguing with him just punch him in the face and walk away, I will be sure to include that.

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