Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Morphine makes Mom sleepy

My poor mom. Another national holiday in the hospital. I swear if she was stolen she couldn't be sold for spare parts -- 'cuz none of them work.

As most of you know, she was in a bad accident about 7 years ago and since then she's been in and out of the hospital with various lingering injuries. She gets these cortizone shots for the pain in one of her knees (which by the way, she hurt long before the accident -- because clutziness toootallly runs in the family) and -- wouldn't you know it? -- she had some kind of allergic reaction to it or some kind of infection because of it and we had to rush her to the emergency room on Sunday night. I say "we" but really I met her there -- when she was being packed into the ambulance with my aunt and my crazy uncle in tow I was at Yankee Stadium watching Andy Pettitte get his ass handed to him. Oh, and did I mention I was drunk at the time? Anyway, that's been my week so far.

I hope you all had a better Fourth of July than I did. I spent it watching my mom sleep off the effects of a morphine drip, drinking tea in a hospital room. But at least I didn't have to go to work.

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