Saturday, July 08, 2006

Mature musings

So there is a survey going around the internet that promises you free Red Hot Chili Pepper tickets. The band went on VH1 to warn people not to fill it out. I got it sent to me by email but I didn't fill it out because the picture of the band that was in the email was from like 1999 so I knew it wasn't official. Also, I'm lazy. Apparently, the survey assists people in stealing your identity so don't fill it out if you get it. I already have tickets to go see them in October so I'm all set. I will be in the vicinity of the actual cute musicial genius urchiness that is John Frusciante -- witness cute urchin here. He's little but he's fiesty.

So the plan is that I am going out to Neptunes with Shara this afternoon. She's been harassing me to do this for like YEARS so she'll be pretty happy. I will probably be the oldest person there which is troubling. Well, not really TROUBLING so much as something that SHOULD trouble me. But I have all the maturity of... well, someone not very mature. I am currently wearing jammies with little pictures of socks on them and watching The Fairly Odd Parents. Yeah, look up mature in the dictionary and you'll find a great big picture of someone else.

Jessica and I got a great movie last night on Pay-Per-View, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It was so cute. It didn't do very well when it came out but I LOVED it. Robert Downey, Jr. and Val Kilmer (whose head has become UNUSUALLY large in the last couple of years) were both in it. It's kind of an odd story -- guy winds up in L.A., murder and mayhem ensues. But it's done in a kind of campy way. Anyway I recommend it. Although, truthfully what the hell does someone else's recommendation mean. Everyone on the face of the planet recommended A HistoryofViolence to me when it came out and I thought it was the worst piece of dreck I'd ever seen. I am STILL tempted to write the producers to get my $10 back.

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