Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm a yellow-red spazoid

Big decisions have to be made, people. Big decisions. Am I going to change my whole world again in the next 24 hours? Dunno. But keep your fingers crossed for me, would ya? I can't do this kind of shit alone.

Last week we did Emergenetics training at work. R&R takes this stuff very seriously. It's about finding out how you think and how your co-workers think and then how you can all work together. Everyone's "preferences" are broken down by color -- blue (logical), green (structured), red (social) and yellow (conceptual). Guess what I am? That's right a "conceptual" (read: "airhead") social butterfly who can't tell her left from her right and whose desk is a mess. Seriously, I had so little blue it's a wonder I can dress myself and get to work every day. It does explain how last week I had no money for groceries but still managed to budget in a t-shirt with Jimi Hendrix's face on it.

Anyway, my color chart also says "bad at making decisions", "needs approval from others" and "easily distracted". So its no wonder I need all of your support and good wishes.

Keep me in mind, 'kay?