Monday, February 06, 2006

The Love Toilet

This is a classic, revived by Alev.
Does anyone else but me remember this SNL skit? It's from the 80s. HILARITY. It's almost as funny as the Bass Master. Does anyone remember that one?

It does beg the question -- "Isn't this so funny because there are people in your life who you could imagine actually USING a product like this?" How many couples do you know that make you LITERALLY want to barf? Most of the ones in my life make me want to barf because they are pretending to be in love. They are pretending to actually be excited about picking out china patterns and stuff like that. OR they are really and truly excited about china pattersn and that makes me even sicker. I'm a little catty and unloveable today, huh? All of you people who annoy me to update my blog must be soooooo happy that you did it today when I am this cranky and cantankerous.

So apparently I didn't do anything too embarassing at my birthday party. Who's happy? I AM! I polled several very trustworthy friends (one of whom stuck pretty close to me seeing as he is usually after me to introduce him to my friends) and they all said that other than tripping over some steps (steps that were lit up so as to avoid people tripping over them, but that's beside the point) and then ending the night by falling on the floor (I kind of slid down the wall while someone was talking to me, which illicited repeated cries from Patti of "Louise is down! Louise is down!" that my sister is still laughing about) I was a perfect angel. A drunk, slightly trashy-looking, over-hyped angel but an angel nonetheless. Again, thanks for coming everyone. My sister keeps saying things like, "It was so nice of Ronnie to come?" to which I reply "Ronnie was there? Did I see him?" Generally the answer is yes that I did see all of you, that I seemed awfully happy to see you and as far as you could tell, I looked happier than last year. (That last bit might have something to do with the absence of a certain odious boyfriend who shall remain nameless -- but that's just a theory.)

I have press releases to write and other work to do, but this is actually more fun and I am technically on my lunch break so whatevs with work.

Perhaps I will do an internet search and see if I can find that Bassmaster clip. It's awesome!

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