Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Auditioning wives

I went to China Club last night for French Tuesdays. I still can't believe I was in China Club but there I was. In China Club. Jamie's moving to Italy has forced me into these outings... She plays the "But this might be the last time we get to go out together" card A LOT. I'm gonna miss her so I fall for it every time.

All in all it wasn't a bad night. At any French event, I end up working. Someone wants to talk to me, someone needs to get my business card so they can email me about a project they think I'd be interested in. Sometimes I am interested. Mostly I'm flying from all the champagne, though, and I don't really remember talking to them the next day.

Someone told me he was auditioning wives. Could you die? He is AUDITIONING American girls to marry him. I just could not get over that. I don't think he was auditioning me. I think he has a few lined up already. I mean WHAT do you SAY to that?

I'm going to a White Party tonight. Who wants to bet that I spill something all over my white outfit before I even get to the party?

On a completely unrelated note, does this photo of John Frusciante NOT make you want to reach through the computer and hug him? I swear if I met him, I would probably pinch his cheeks and make him a sandwich. He doesn't look like he eats very well. Cute little musicial genius urchin. I just love him.

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