Wednesday, May 30, 2007

If you can make it there (Reprint from March 31, 2007)

And they said it wouldn't last?

Well... it didn't.

You know what they say -- you can take the girl out of New York but ... very often when you do that girl might wait a few months but eventually she will figure out a way to run back to the only city in the world that makes sense because, apparently (who knows why) but she can't live without Yankee games, honking cars and humidity.

Actually, the truth is I was offered a phenomenal job that I just can't turn down and I'm headed back to New Yawk City yo! I'll be back the Monday after Easter.

I feel kind of bad that I made all of you New York people say "goodbye" to me a few months ago. Some of you cried and shit. I feel like an ass. The sad thing is I can't even really promise it won't happen again. In a few years I might get the itch to move again and do all of it all over. For that I will apologize in advance. I don't see it happening in the forseeable future but you never can tell. No one thought I would ever move to Las Vegas, did they?

Anyway, I'll make it up to you. I promise. I'll buy you a drink or a cookie or a steak or something. And I promise to wait a good long while before I think about moving again.

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