Sunday, August 20, 2006

Smack me and I'll smack you back

We went out last night for Laura's birthday. She kept asking us if we were trying to put her in the hospital. I guess she felt she was being forced to drink too much. She was still standing when I left so all's well in the world of Laura and I believe she just texted me which she couldn't do if she was in the hospital.

My sister's friend Dave is an asshole. I feel the need to put that out there in print somewhere. He's the the kind of asshole who smacks you and then gets mad when you smack him back. Then he cries like a little bitch. Funny to watch but thoroughly annoying and quite the buzzkill.

I'm supposed to go to Common Ground tonight if anyone wants to come. Chris might be playing there around 7:00 pm. After that my old friend Todd is playing with District 9 at CBGBs. They go on at 10:00 so come meet me, muffins, because I think I'm going to have to go alone. The only person I know there will be on stage so I might get lonely.

You know what's fun to watch? The BMX Finals. How do they spin in the air and land right back on their bike? Amazing. I can't even walk up a long flight of stairs in high heels.

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