Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What day is it?

I haven't been able to sleep very much at night. Which is causing me to oversleep for work. Which is not causing me very much distress but it is a bit confusing. I keep waking up and not knowing what day it is. And noooo, Smart Ass, it's not because I'm hungover. Well, not everyday anyway...

Anyway, as I meander around my apartment between 1:00 and 3:00 am attempting to make myself sleepy I have discovered a few diversionary activities that, while not particularly sleep-inducing are fun, such as:

1) Leaving random and slightly bitch comments on people's MySpace pages complaining that I am not in their Top 8. I think this is funny. I don't know if people know that I am kidding but it is especially funny when someone I barely knows puts me in their Top 8 just to shut me up.

2) Organizing CDs. I don't even listen to CDs anymore but it's fun to see what I used to spend money on. Like every CD Tori Amos ever made. And Super Sounds of the Seventies. And the free band CDs, of which there are plenty. Because, with few exceptions, every straight guy I know is in a freaking band.

3) Taking clothes out of the closet, putting them in shopping bags to take to Goodwill and then realizing that I can't part with any of them and putting them right back in the closet. I will too wear that crushed velvet baby doll dress from 1994 again someday. You don't know! And combat boots are totally making a comeback.

4) Googling my exes. This must stop.

5) Going through books that I read years ago to figure out why I highlighted certain things. Like I highlighted the word "jazz" in one book by Jack Kerouac. Do you have any fucking idea how many times Kerouac uses the word "jazz" in any given book? What could I possibly have been trying to accomplish by highlighting that?

So now I'm at work and not particularly awake after two coffees and a long talk with my boss. The most interesting thing I accomplished was finishing the book I have been reading on the subway all week (which was awesome and weird and macabre and I highly recommend it). I would love to be home watching Oprah and getting ready to have my third cup of coffee while nestled comfortably in the overstuffed chair in my living room. But I'm not. I'm here. Getting paid to blog.

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