Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Follow the train

So, here's the train of thought that has been choo-chooing through my little brain for the past week or so:

Although the thought of relationships still makes me cringe (and, in some cases break out in hives) lately I keep thinking of all of the idiots that could have been, all the men I've somewhat liked before, all the dudes who couldn't find my car (figuratively speaking, of course), and these thoughts have been leaving me a feeling somewhat akin to regret.

Anyway, I've decided that maybe it's not all the idiots of the past but rather the idea of them that's getting to me. It's the idea of finding a Jim to my Pam, a Tony to my Angela, a Bruce Willis to my Cybill Shepherd. Not just anyone, mind you, but someone smart, someone funny, someone who actually makes my heart beat faster instead of coming to a dead stop for once. Maybe, just maybe I'm ready to let the next dude find my car, sink my Titanic or [insert your own insipid pop culture-laced phrase here]. Maybe I'm ready for love.

Orrrrrr... maybe not. Because it usually doesn't take long for me to snap out of this line of nonsensical thinking. But it's an interesting train to follow while it lasts.

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