Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fill in name of boyfriend here

If and when any of my friends become involved in a serious relationship, please, please, please do me a favor. I am completely earnest here. I need your help. Do not... under any circumstances... lean over and say to your boyfriend "Right, FILL IN NAME HERE?" after every sentence you utter? Okay? Please? Do me a favor and just try having an opinion that he doesn't agree with for one minute. Stop asking him for approval on everything you say. And for God's sake, stop answering for him when I ask him a question!

This is an example of the kind of conversation you should avoid when you are out with me and your new boyfriend.

Me: So FILL IN NAME OF BOYFRIEND OF MY GOOD FRIEND, are you enjoying your new job?


MY GOOD FRIEND: Yes, he loves it. Don't you BOYFRIEND?

It's not only annoying to have conversations this way... it's also a bit nauseating.

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