Monday, September 03, 2007

Yay Labor Day!

"How I spent Labor Day Weekend"

By Rhymes With Cheese

This Labor Day Weekend I spent nearly one whole day drinking beer in Ana and Rob's background, while playing 500 rummy and reading funny text messages sent to me by someone sitting two feet away who was attending the very same party. And then I tried to get my nipple pierced and failed -- that took about 20 minutes. Oh, and there was like 10 minutes spent collecting Sweet Tarts, mini Tootsie Rolls and condoms off the ground... they fell out of a giant eyeball-shaped pinata. Oh, and at least 2 minutes was spent convincing Sasha to convince her boyfriend to punch holes in beer cans and drink all of the beer out of said holes. He didn't do it but some other guy thought it sounded like fun so he did it. And it was very funny.

The end

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