Saturday, September 01, 2007

Stop scratching my furniture (archive from August 22)

My cats are going to miss me. They don't know it yet. If you asked them they would probably sniff and go back to scratching all of my furniture. But they are going to miss me. Because tomorrow I leave for Vegas. Again.

Isn't it funny how much time I spend in the cities I don't live in? When I lived there my friends laughed at me because of all of the money I spent on plane tickets to NYC. Now my friends and family refer to me "always being in Vegas". It's not entirely accurate but it certainly seems that way.

Anyway, I'll be gone all weekend. Getting drunk with Leora and Michael. Because that's really how I should be spending my hard-earned vacation days, dontcha think?
I have got to buy a water pistol. Those little fuckers are leaving nail marks on everything I own.

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