Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Metal objects shoved in my mouth

I had to go to the dentist tonight. Which always makes me cry. Literally. I sit in the dentist's chair with tears rolling down my cheeks while he says things like, "Louise, please stop being so dramatic. I haven't even turned the drill on yet."

Somehow I have managed to get a tattoo and several piercings over the course of my life without this many tears being shed. Yes, I realize it is childish but something about a giant face hovering above mine backlit by that bright white light shining at me while various metal objects being shoved in and out of my mouth makes me want to just... pass... out.

Anyway, the whole point of me telling you all this is to garner some sympathy. I normally don't like when people feel sorry for me. The one exception is when the whole leftside of my face is numb and feels like it's been stuffed with cotton. Then I want tons of affection, empathy and other kinds of positive affection. So get on it, people. The novocaine is about to wear off.

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