Thursday, January 26, 2006

Beer has calories (Archive from January 20, 2006)

For the past few weeks, I have ingested my daily caloric intake almost entirely in alcohol. Perhaps this is a problem.

I don't think liquids should have calories.

I would very much like to take this hungover moment to highly recommend the jukebox at The Cubby Hole in the West Village. Yes, this is technically a lesbian bar an no, I am technically not a lesbian. But I enjoyed singing Reba McIntyre and Johnny Cash songs at the top of my lungs with the les-es.

Love and Basketball is the coolest movie. I love when you wake up and you're bleary-eyed and hungover and a great movie is on basic cable. I would not survive these mornings of pain and nausea were it not for TBS Super Station.

I need to take an Advil. I'm meeting people at a bar in a few hours. I have to get rid of this hangover before then.

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