Thursday, January 26, 2006

That's Mrs. Moennig to you (Archive from January 24, 2006)

What would I do without digital cable? Between the DVR and the movies on demand, my life is full and exciting. If I don't have anywhere to go after work or on the weekend-- that's very rare these days --- I sit here and watch TV shows I have recorded during the week and regale you all with my tales of woe via this blog.

Have I mentioned that I am addicted to The L Word? If you have not seen this show please do not worry that you can't watch it if you're not gay because you won't enjoy it. Whatever. This show is PURE SMUT. It is up there with Melrose Place -- these girls get it on A LOT. And they are allllllllllll gorgeous, well-dressed with exciting jobs and ... here's the kicker that may change everone's long-held preconceptions about lesbians -- they have the nicest shoes. I may become a freaking lesbian just so I can be one of these girls.

Most of all, I am now mildly obsessed with Katherine Moennig. She is DELICIOUS! If all lesbians looked like her, who wouldn't be gay? Remember how in college we all thought we were gay? You know even if it was just for a minute? It was a little bit longer for me and my friends because we tried ecstasy a bunch of times. Everyone looks good on E, let me tell you. But if Kate Moennig went to my college, I would be writing this blog from a Gay Pride parade in P-Town, I swear to God.

The bad thing about DVR is that I watch everything like 3 weeks late so I never know what happened on the most recent episode of The Office but I know what happened last month on The Office. Doesn't make for very good water cooler talk. It's kind of embarassing actually.

I'm going to go download Kate Moennig wallpaper now.

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